This film almost gets there, but not quite. It's an interesting portrait of a woman torn between two men, both of whom she ostensibly loves. Ginger Rogers, in the title role, is enchanting as always, but the screenplay comes up just a bit short in the end.
The problem is this: The entire picture focuses on Kitty's relationship with a rich Philadelphia aristocrat, and is very good at showing us why she should and shouldn't run away with him. On the other hand, we are left with very little on the other candidate -- a bare two or three scenes that give us very little of his character or personality.
In the end, the film seems to suggest that Kitty should choose the doctor for the simple reason that he's not the aristocrat. This despite the fact that she loves, passionately, the aristocrat, while she feels for the doctor, at best, a certain fondness. Despite Ginger Rogers's wonderful performance, I was ultimately unconvinced.
The problem is this: The entire picture focuses on Kitty's relationship with a rich Philadelphia aristocrat, and is very good at showing us why she should and shouldn't run away with him. On the other hand, we are left with very little on the other candidate -- a bare two or three scenes that give us very little of his character or personality.
In the end, the film seems to suggest that Kitty should choose the doctor for the simple reason that he's not the aristocrat. This despite the fact that she loves, passionately, the aristocrat, while she feels for the doctor, at best, a certain fondness. Despite Ginger Rogers's wonderful performance, I was ultimately unconvinced.