Classic made-for-TV movie!
6 February 2002
They just don't make made-for-tv movies like they did in the '70s! This is one of my favourite tv movies from that era. Linda Blair plays her character flawless, and makes her role believable. Although it hasn't been on TV for over 10 years now, it's a movie that is a memorable one. It follows the trials and tribulations of a girl that just wants to fit in to her new surroundings, family situation, and school. The two scenes that stick out in my mind are: 1. Linda Blair singing "It's too late"(Carole King),2. Her AA councillor mentioning that alcohol gives at the beginning, then starts taking away from your life. I have never forgot that statement! It would be nice if this movie was available on VHS/DVD, because it is one of Linda Blair's best movies
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