Often very funny show centered around Tony Randall's big city judge. This was another of the many "Bob Newhart-style" shows, which have a cast of funny/bizarre characters who circle around a sane, normal person (or two). In this case, these included the judge's plummy housekeeper (Rachel Roberts), his slob of a court clerk (Barney Martin), his icy secretary Miss Reubner (Allyn Ann McLerie), and the strangest (and funniest) of all, Mario Lanza (Zane Lasky). The judge himself was rather fastidious (duh-he is Tony Randall, after all), and the entire cast was excellent. The show only lasted 2 seasons, unfortunately; it wasn't really the kind of thing that's likely to draw a huge audience on its own (it would've made an excellent partner to fill out an hour, though).