Polyester (1981)
Not a huge amount of punch, but funny.
2 August 2001
This later John Water's flick didn't have the same effect, grossness, punch, and ultimate filth of his earlier work, but it still is funny and suitable entertainment. The story of the Fishpaw family is a funny, polished satire of the corrupted and degenerately hypocritical world of the U.S suburb, but it's a mainstream movie, and a comedy, not a cult. The Fishpaws consist of Francine(christian mother and alcoholic, palyed by Divine), Dexter (shoe fetish and glue sniffer), cheating husband Elmer (runs a porn theater and cheats on Francine with Mink Stole, playing his cheap secretary Sandra) and slut daughter Lulu. Edith Massey is fabulous as Cuddles, she's better than Divine. Divine still is campy here, but not the godess of filth. A funny story of the Fishpaw family, centered around Francine, for whom nothing can go right and whose life is a tragedy. John Waters wrote and directed this mainstream, cleaned-up satire of the filthy suburbs supremely, but it lacks punch. Divine is too Christian and slapsticky, as the film is in general. This film was done with the Odorama process, in which when a number flashed on the screen you scratched your Odorams card on the matching number and a disgusting or beautiful scent would emit from the card. This is an interesting gimmick, and even though it's not reproduced on home video, you can tell what the smell would be because of the numbers still on the film and the imagery on screen at the time. An interesting but mainstream John Waters movie, which he wrote superbly.
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