Review of Dragnet

Dragnet (1987)
Impressive, Bordering on Spectacular
6 July 2001
I noticed that many of the comments on this film were negative. Those people need to loosen up and get "just the facts." Maybe I see more of the humor because I am a law enforcement officer, but this film is a scream. It takes everything that the original series did, and does it with tongue firmly planted in cheek. Dan Ackroyd's deadpan Jack Webb impersonation is a riot, as are the remarks he makes to Hanks' Pep Streebeck. A typical example would be after Joe ignores Sylvia Wiss' advances, and Pep calls him on it. Joe looks him dead in the eye and says, "Streebeck, there are two things that separate us from the animals. One, we use cutlery. Two, we can control our sexual urges. I don't know about you, but don't drag ME into your private HELL!" That line is so Jack Webb-DRAGNET that I'm surprised it never showed up in the 1960's version. Like the Austin Powers films, DRAGNET spoofs a cultural icon in such a way as to evoke the original. Ignore the silly plot, and just enjoy the ride.**PS**I have actually used the line I quoted above in the line of duty!
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