Better than most of the recent "comedies" that focus on "gross-out" humor.
29 January 2002
Admittedly I was only 13 years old when I first saw this movie (in the theater), but it has always been one of my favorites.

The story line was held together with some of the best lines. (I still quote them today). Madonna gets slammed for so many reasons, this movie should not be one of them. She and Griffin Dunne made a fun, quirky couple. It did not pretend to be anything than what it was, and who can find fault with that?

This movie was part farce, part mystery (okay, not up to Agatha Christie standards) and part romantic comedy. It was no worse than most films that fall into the romantic comedy genre, if anything it is one of the better ones.

For those of you out there who hate Madonna, by all means avoid this film, why torture yourself? But for anyone who likes her, or just wants to see a light, fluffy story with some great music (let's hear it for Scritti Politti)then "Who's That Girl" is a fun, nostalgic trip that will have you laughing in no time.

Laugh at Buck, the delivery driver, or Griffin Dunne in that top hat and tails, and who could forget the bridesmaids, having been kidnapped and tied together, hitting on the cops? I'm laughing just thinking about it.
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