Hey, it's not that bad!
11 March 2002
I rate this film as "so bad, it's kinda good". It reeks of everything I feel the Eighties was trying to get away from when it became the Nineties, however nostalgia will forever hallow certain themes, in a "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" sort of way.

Certainly by today's standards this movie is very corny and lacks any real depth sought by movie lovers everywhere, but it has a lot of tongue in cheek charm that other movies lack. It's possible I only say these things because I first saw the film when quite young and I remember liking it... that's a great way to end up liking films that other people really cannot get along with.

As a summary, I couldn't sit down and watch this film with any of my friends, but it would be a perfect companion on a slow evening when I'm ill and had a few beers and need my mind taking off things. Like this evening.
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