Review of Tango & Cash

Tango & Cash (1989)
Lethal Weapon Knockoff VIII
15 January 2000
This is pretty good for what it is-Stallone and Russell's take off of Lethal Weapon. Stallone does a pretty good job being the low key guy here, Russell the loose cannon, there are gun fights, fights, escapes, the great prison getaway, fun byplay between the two leads, oodles of belief suspending needed and scads of stunt doubles used all through here.

My memory is mostly of Sly in the glasses, the Pickup from Hell, a lotta car chases and a real 'this is a spoof' air to it all.

Palance chews the scenery, Brion James does his usual good villain work....what more could you want?

*** outta ****, you get what you pay for here, and a little extra...
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