Shedding light to feminity in prisons
26 April 2004
'Ucurtmayi Vurmasinlar' is the work of Feride Cicekoglu who spent some of her life in prisons because of her ideological beliefs.So,this film makes as its subject lives of imprisoned people, their hopes, sufferings and emotions lively.When, you watch the film, you feel deeply inside the little world of a little boy who does not know his father and whose life is confined to his mother.He meets Inci, the main female character in the film.His life improves remarkably and esteems Inci's presence in his life greatly.In watching this film, you can shed light into women's prisons and common activities involved.Fierce competition amongst women, intensity of desires created by lack of men, attempts to establish a more telarable life inside 4 walls, are excellently touched from beginning to the end.

When I watched this film for the first time,I remember having cried much tears after seeing little love of great-hearted boy,Ozan.He is so talented, succesful and realistic in his role.

You must see Nur Surer starring Inci too.She consolidated her reputation thanks to this production.
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