Another Below Average Black Exploitation Horror Film
8 June 2000
The only reason I'm even putting any comments in for this film is because I just finished reading an interview of Samuel L Jackson and someone asked him if he was still in contact with Troma. Jackson quickly said, "Hell No!!" And I can understand why. Def by Temptation is an all black cast vampire movie starring the writer/director James Bond III, Kadeem Hardinson and Mr. Samuel L Jackson himself. It centers around a black vampire Tempest who is seducing black men and then killing them through sucking their blood. The special effects are gory and the story is pretty predictable. The acting is pretty bad, but in a funny kind of way. As a whole the movie is definitely a bit below average. It's about as good as Eddie Murphy's Vampire In Brooklyn, but funnier and scarier at times. Is it worth seeing? Sure, it's worth at least one rental if there is absolutely nothing else at Blockbuster that you want to see. Otherwise, drive a stake into this movie, cause it's dead.
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