The Ren & Stimpy Show (1991–1996)
One of the Most Disturbing Mainstream Shows Ever
25 March 2004
I caught my first episodes of Ren and Stimpy in 1993 after hearing classmates rave on about how good a show this was. Unbeknownst to me I started watching Ren and Stimpy just when the bad episodes started airing. At the time I could not find any reason at all why a show this devoid of value would be as popular as it was. It didn't take too long before I thought "Why the hell am I watching this?" and left the Ren and Stimpy Watching to others.

Fortunately my brother got hold of some tapes of earlier episodes and I quickly began to see why Ren and Stimpy had a good reputation. It was amusing in a very offbeat way and had a method to it's madness. I wish I had never wasted several hours of my life I'll never get back watching the later episodes but I'm glad I was able to see the early ones.
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