Prime Target (1991)
How bad can B-movies get?
9 September 2002
This is an incredibly bad movie - perhaps one of the worst action films ever. Star David Heavener alos wrote and directed this fiasco with such a brazen ego that it feels like a love letter to himself more than a film the public can appreciate. They have a name in Hollywood for this kind of self-congradulatory filmmaking and it's called a vanity production. Everything about it is a strained effort to turn this cardboard actor into some kind of low rent Clint Eastwood for rednecks to hoot and holler over as he shoots at the bad guys and shows off his chest hair. Unless you are looking for some unintended laughs stay far away from this painful and pathetic piece of trite! However, if you enjoy a senseless egomaniacs amateur looking home movie that looks as if it has been shot through a muddy coke bottle, then this is the crap you've been waiting for!
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