I didn't really understand on why this movie was rated so low, until I realized that to really enjoy this film you needed to grow up watching horse operas on Saturdays. This means to appreciate the humor, you're probably closer to 40 than 20 or spend a lot of time watching TVLand. From what I've seen most members here are closer 20. This movie satires the Saturday matinee western where you can tell the good guys in the white hats from the bad guys. So it would be better for those of us who saw and liked westerns before the "anti-hero" westerns of the late 60's to present. Where the cowboy star has a new set of duds on for each scene, foils the bad guys and gets the girl but would rather kiss the horse. The storyline is thin because they were all pretty much the same back in the 50's. That's part of the joke. I'd forgotten about this little gem until I was looking at Tom Berenger's credits. He and the rest of the cast were really good. It may not be a great movie but its definitely worth a watch. Favorite line G.W. Bailey saying "Gee Rex, you really ARE a good guy!" 7 out of 10