Review of Lovejoy

Lovejoy (1986–1994)
The long DVD wait is finally over!
4 March 2004
After what seems like an eternity along with rumours that "It will never happen because Jonathon Gash is against it" etc - it has finally happened. The UK's BBC have just announced the DVD release date for the first series of ten episodes (17th May 2004). It will be region 2 from the BBC, presumably the other regions will be catered for elsewhere. I hope the later series will follow, probably depending on how well this first one sells. So it's up to us, Lovejoy fans - let's support it, and tell your friends! I really hope (are you listening?) that the full 71 episodes will be released in time, along with the Christmas specials. Not only that, but how about an 'extras' DVD with interviews with the cast, Jonathon Gash, TV screenplay writers. Ian McShane, of course (!!), who having read the books helped to get it televised (of course it's a different slant on the Lovejoy character which was born in the books, but which is valid in it's own right in my view). Also location information, stills and any other trivia would be great. Believe me, I would buy it!!
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