Killing Zoe (1993)
A cool bank robbery movie
24 May 2002
This is another good french movie,I must say that I am surprised that France make so many good movies.This movie has a simple plot about gang who is planning on robbing France national bank.You can say that the movie is devided into two parts, the first is the preparations and the wild night before the bank job.And the the second half of the movie is of the actual robbery.This movie has some scenes that you usually dont see in most movies,I am talking about brutal killing and a cool little sex scene.One reason why this movie turned out the way it did, must have been that they got Quentin Tarantino as their executive producer.And we all know the amount of violence that are in his movies. This is an entertaining movie to watch,but maybe a little brutal for some people.And look out for Jean-Hugues Anglade,he has a powerful way of acting that gets you focused,really cool actor. An other thing about this movie,is that it is not very known,so if you see it, I advice you to buy or rent it because it is quit rare.
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