This is silly New Year "Vodka comedy" with all the best things available within the genre - used properly - for one purpose only - to amuse! The movie is extremely funny. If you are watching it drunk or stoned - it will be quintessentially hilarious. There is absolutely nothing thought-provoking, or even serious - about this movie. Which is a good thing! What kind of silly comedy - would contain any of that heaviness. The cast is excellent. Which actually makes this no-budget comedy stand out. One thing about it - special though. New Year celebration - is probably the biggest and happiest holiday in Russia. We have group of people from all walks of life jammed together in "Casualty" right on New Year's Eve! But the need to party is overwhelming! No pain, no casts, no crouches can stop them from partying. PARTY MUST TAKE PLACE! Very happy movie!