BET's Comicview (1992– )
I love this show!!! It's cracks me up!!!!
3 January 2003
Many people who watch this show don't understand it. That's why they don't like it. My mum and my sister hate it. I just love it!! It always makes me laugh. I've been watching it for about two years and the comedians, male and female always seem to make me laugh. Sometimes the jokes are not even funny but do you know what cracks me up? I laugh at the way the audience reacts to them. It is so funny that they laugh at some jokes which make no sense. Also the comedians constantly talk about the subject of sex. I am only 16 years young. These people know how to light up my day. The things they talk about makes me laugh so much! My mother and sister think that I'm crazy! That's the point. They don't understand! I love the hosts of the show too, especially Bruce Bruce and Arnez J! I don't care what anyone else says about this show. It is always funny! I love it! It is the best stand-up comedy show since Def Jam. Everynight I look forward to watching this show. I like to watch it alone so I could laugh as loud as I want. If you're a fan of comedy, you'll love this show!! It will crack you up, trust me.
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