A large extended family lives in a large up-scale estate. The three adult brothers of the house each have a clear and unique personality. The gay brother is very gay. The oldest brother is very successful, but is a sleazy wife cheater. And the younger brother is an unattached, carefree playboy.
The female characters are also clearly potrayed... The housewife is so geeky looking, everything she does is funny to watch. Her husband's classy mistress is very high maintenance. The lesbian cousin is very... well, manly. The unmarried brother's main girlfriend is crazy about movies.
"ALL'S WELL ENDS WELL" smartly spoofs the movie GHOST, and also spends some time poking fun at PRETTY WOMAN, THE TERMINATOR, and even MISERY.
The plot twists and turns with more skill than most Hong Kong comedies ever muster. Also, some of the romantic ploys seen in the movie are fun and clever.
Although there are fewer laughs in the last 30 minutes, ALL'S WELL, ENDS WELL is a fun view -- specially for those who enjoy spoof movies.
The female characters are also clearly potrayed... The housewife is so geeky looking, everything she does is funny to watch. Her husband's classy mistress is very high maintenance. The lesbian cousin is very... well, manly. The unmarried brother's main girlfriend is crazy about movies.
"ALL'S WELL ENDS WELL" smartly spoofs the movie GHOST, and also spends some time poking fun at PRETTY WOMAN, THE TERMINATOR, and even MISERY.
The plot twists and turns with more skill than most Hong Kong comedies ever muster. Also, some of the romantic ploys seen in the movie are fun and clever.
Although there are fewer laughs in the last 30 minutes, ALL'S WELL, ENDS WELL is a fun view -- specially for those who enjoy spoof movies.