Heheheheheh... 2 weapons heheheheh. Who in the right mind would design 2 weapons! And what is the most anticipated game of the year suppose to mean. Thats a first, I expected best or worst or something. I enjoy the story more than the game. In some missions I usually just browse through the ship library, that's more interesting than the game. I thought it would be cool, but I did'nt lose anything, I got of my friend for pokemon cards .(can you believe that!) I expected at most 1-2 cd's, I don't see the reason for 5! What's the point of it when even at the easiest level you get stuck at 2! When Klingon academy comes I hope they make more than 2 weapons, make like Tricobalt torpedoes, Chain Reaction Pulsars and some really cool weapons and MUCH MORE INTERACTION! I'd recommend not to purchase this game, 4 it deserves.