Why do they make films like this one? In recent year more and more of badly scripted, bulls*** comedies, have been released, with most of them receiving bad criticism and usually not doing much more than break even at the box office. This film had some good moments and couple of laughs, but in general it is way below average when it comes to comedy. The main character played by Molly Shannon is such a twisted young girl that no sympathy is possible for what ever happens to her. Bordering on playing a mentally challenged person, while making fun of it, just doesn't work. There is a great confusion as to what she is after, as sometimes she seems to only want to be kissed (like her last film before this one -> Never been kissed), and sometimes she is after fame and stardom. Her character is also mixed up, as she plays it sometimes as being beyond help, with endlessly doing something stupid, while at some points she seems very mature for her age (discussion at the pool w/Eric Slater). The best parts about this film where scenes with the priest and with Jesus. Those were the only funny parts of the movie. 3/10