I rented this movie on Saturday night out of sheer desperation. Blockbuster was crowded and every movie I wanted to watch was out. 'I Got The Hook Up' was just about the only movie left on the shelf. It was right beside the new releases and the write-up on the box looked pretty funny. Having now seen the movie with my husband, I have to say that it would NOT rate in my Top 100. It was quite funny in places, particularly the car chase towards the end of the movie when Black is trying to drive a car with the hood stuck up in the air and Blue is out there on the bonnet trying to shut it. But basically the movie was pretty plotless and pointless and not as funny as I had expected it to be. To be fair, although the language was crude and there was a bit of nudity, any sex was more hinted at than displayed, which makes a nice change after Channel 5. But if you are looking to rent a movie, I wouldn't recommend this unless you are big time into Rap Music. We certainly had a bit of a hard time trying to make out what the characters were saying half the time!!