This little softporn flick seems to have a lot going for it: especially, it has (unsurprisingly) a visibly bigger budget and consequently better production values than contemporary hard porn, and contrary to most straight-to-video erotic thrillers it spares us any connections of sex with violence.
However, this alone does not make a good movie. The production values only slightly exceed Ed Wood territory (I noticed a plastic chicken on a dining table), and the cinematography is at best irritating as the camera constantly circles around the couples making love. The couplings lack a bit of imagination and the leads lack charisma and screen presence.
In Europe they made lots of films of this ilk in the 1970s, but this one is not up to their standard.
However, this alone does not make a good movie. The production values only slightly exceed Ed Wood territory (I noticed a plastic chicken on a dining table), and the cinematography is at best irritating as the camera constantly circles around the couples making love. The couplings lack a bit of imagination and the leads lack charisma and screen presence.
In Europe they made lots of films of this ilk in the 1970s, but this one is not up to their standard.