If you haven't seen this show "Fear", you are REALLY missing out. This is one of the best shows I have ever watched. It's a show about a group of people who go to a haunted building (on the premiere it was a haunted prison) and give each of the members Dares to do. They have a camera attached to them, and throughout the prison there are infrared cameras that are watching what they do. On some dares they'll go with another person, on others they have to go alone. These dares seem to get progressively worse and worse, and throughout these tests some team members are too afraid and are forced to give up because they can't complete the task. But, for the remaining team members there is a box full of hundred dollar bills as the payoff at the end.
One unique part of the show is how, while these people are going to the parts of the building for their dares, there are interviews with people that tell what actually happened in these rooms. That way you get the real feel of where they are going. For example, there was a room in the prison called the "Sugar Shack" where people were hacked apart in the prison. This information gives the audience even more of a horror of where these people are going..all by themselves..than if the show wouldn't have this footage.
The element of this show that scares most people the most is that, these places are really said to be haunted. Not only are you, the viewer, thinking how terrible it would be to be alone in the dark in that building, but your adding in this element of the unknown. Throughout these dares, the members would often hear footsteps coming toward them...see shadowy figures moving in front of them..or feel a 'cold spot' as they walk down the corridors. I suppose all these can be fabricated, but you wouldn't think so with all the infrared and night vision cameras that could easily pick up a hoax. You can't have a guy walking around trying to scare people..shooting cold air on them..or running around in front of them while there are cameras from all angles on him. But anyway, I'm sure there are still people that feel it's all a big hoax and I respect that, because I personally don't know what to think. But you have to admit..even for the most dedicated un-believer..when you see a guy having to sit in the supposed most haunted room in the prison all alone for 15 minutes, him having to shut his flashlight off and hold a electromagnetic detector while a score of noises and footsteps are all around him..you do question your beliefs in the paranormal.
I think this is one of the best shows to come on television..really...ever. I am NOT a sitcom person, and frankly, watch very little TV. I will often laugh at the terrible ideas that people come up with to make into a show..but..every once in a while they'll throw in a show like this that really is something unique. This show is so scary because it's REAL..real people...real emotions..real fear. No special effects, make up or 'stickmen'. You may believe all the 'ghosts' are fake..but weather they are or not, the people in here are real people, just like you and me, and I'm sure when your entering that electric chair chamber..the Hole..or the Sugar Shack, you begin to question all your disbelief.
One unique part of the show is how, while these people are going to the parts of the building for their dares, there are interviews with people that tell what actually happened in these rooms. That way you get the real feel of where they are going. For example, there was a room in the prison called the "Sugar Shack" where people were hacked apart in the prison. This information gives the audience even more of a horror of where these people are going..all by themselves..than if the show wouldn't have this footage.
The element of this show that scares most people the most is that, these places are really said to be haunted. Not only are you, the viewer, thinking how terrible it would be to be alone in the dark in that building, but your adding in this element of the unknown. Throughout these dares, the members would often hear footsteps coming toward them...see shadowy figures moving in front of them..or feel a 'cold spot' as they walk down the corridors. I suppose all these can be fabricated, but you wouldn't think so with all the infrared and night vision cameras that could easily pick up a hoax. You can't have a guy walking around trying to scare people..shooting cold air on them..or running around in front of them while there are cameras from all angles on him. But anyway, I'm sure there are still people that feel it's all a big hoax and I respect that, because I personally don't know what to think. But you have to admit..even for the most dedicated un-believer..when you see a guy having to sit in the supposed most haunted room in the prison all alone for 15 minutes, him having to shut his flashlight off and hold a electromagnetic detector while a score of noises and footsteps are all around him..you do question your beliefs in the paranormal.
I think this is one of the best shows to come on television..really...ever. I am NOT a sitcom person, and frankly, watch very little TV. I will often laugh at the terrible ideas that people come up with to make into a show..but..every once in a while they'll throw in a show like this that really is something unique. This show is so scary because it's REAL..real people...real emotions..real fear. No special effects, make up or 'stickmen'. You may believe all the 'ghosts' are fake..but weather they are or not, the people in here are real people, just like you and me, and I'm sure when your entering that electric chair chamber..the Hole..or the Sugar Shack, you begin to question all your disbelief.