On a busy Sunday morning when I was trying to fit in my 3 mile walk, opening my store and getting ready, I accidentally came upon this movie on the Sundance channel. I had many things on my plate, but was immediately engrossed in this movie, it had already started. I watched while getting ready and finally had to leave for my duties 20 minutes before its end, during my walk I vowed I would go immediately on line and check out the details of it on IMDB and would check the website of the Sundance Film Channel for future showings, I happily found all I was looking for. I live in Nevada and so what intrigued me most was her love for the desert and the familiarity of the landscape to where I live, her story only made it a thousand times better. It covered everything, from her relationship with both mother and father and which would perhaps have the most influence on who she became, to the wild mustangs, her cats, her relationship with the few people around her, her vast community (vast measured by miles away from her since there is only a population of 10), her love life, I was absolutely fascinated. However, what touched me most was her story of the lecture she gave to some photography students when one student asked her how you get those who love you to understand your devotion to your art ......... when at that very moment she was going through the end of her marriage because of that very reason. I understand this completely. Ultimately, every movie we see is defined by the person seeing it and maybe not even by the person who made it or the character itself, what made me love this movie is that it touched a chord in me and that she epitomized the american spirit in the way she did what she was meant to do, her art, against many odds, both physical and emotionally. What a fascinating woman! and what a glorious life she lived in this desolate part of the west !