It's about time that filmmakers created a series that doesn't revolve around the trivial and comic relationships of heterosexual couples - many of the sitcoms these days seem to have that theme in there somewhere do they not? It's controversial, often quite graphic and rarely comic - it's an adult 'soap opera' with alot more content than your average. Apart from anything else, Queer As Folk has thrown a revealing light onto the trials and tribulations of gay relationships - proving to those unfamiliar with the subject that they are not relationships that should be ridiculed or discriminated against. Regardless of the moral merits, it's just a really good series. The acting is great and the storyline keeps you watching week after week. The series explores numerous relationships that all differ in some way or another - yet in many ways they are also very much alike. This series can be enjoyed by anyone, despite some of the reviews I've read in the past. In fact, I'd encourage anyone to try it out at least once - you may be presently suprised.