nice but painless
10 March 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Without a doubt this is a very nice movie. In the beginning you might fear it will be superficial but the characters take you in soon. It develops and emotional depth and there as well a lot of heart-warming scenes as there are funny ones, nearly all of them very well done. Sarah Polley is adorable and the rest of the cast delivers as well. It is all very nice ... too nice. This isn't meant cynic, but I'm missing the pain.

*slight spoilers ahead, but nothing important*

Here we have a story about a 23 year old woman with two little kids, who suffers from a tumour beyond aid and will die within two or three months. And during all this time no one really gets hurt. Of course you have and underling sadness and there are clear hints that she has pain, but non of this is shown. I for sure don't want overdramatic cliché crying scenes and I understand, that the pain is left out of the story very consciously to concentrate on here emotional and intellectual development, but this movie gives the fact of a young mother dying a somehow romantic feeling.

*no more spoilers*

I think it's to smooth for the subject and therefore not really true to the audience. Anyway I enjoyed the movie and can safely recommend it for anyone who seeks shelter from dull mass production and nevertheless wants to have a nice emotional night a the movies.
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