Review of The Calling

The Calling (II) (2002)
Recommended Family Movie
24 April 2004
The Calling is by far one of the best written movies I have seen in this genre. I recommend this movie to families, church groups and especially those who have gotten lax in their faith. We all go through "down" periods -this movie lifts us up, inspires and renews our faith. Herbert Porter's portrayal of William Jennings is right on target with the theme and message. Shebeta Carter portrays the perfect supporting role as Porter's on-screen wife. David Hudson adds flavor of the younger generation while inserting bits of comedy. Although produced on a small budget, the movie is well made and worth viewing. The only critique I can give is in regard to the budget. With a larger budget, this film would give even Gibson's The Passion some competition. I give this movie 9 out of 10 points.
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