The Seductress (2000 Video)
Even by Erotic B-movie standards this stinks!!
1 July 2002
First of all let me tell you that I'm not a pervert. Merely a regular guy that sees a movie cover and says, "WOW! I gotta see this." I was working (more like "helping" out) at a video store when I decided to rent this. The 2 ladies on the cover were HOT and in one picture on the back they were wearing bikinis and in a pool. WELL... NOT ONLY did that scene NOT appear in the movie, but the plot was STUPID!! Keep in mind, EVEN BY EROTIC STRAIGHT-TO-VIDEO standards. It's about a female serial killer that marries guys and kills them. For some reason this other woman is obsessed with newspaper articles about the serial chick. Well one day they happened to meet and... let me just get to the end. It turns out the 2 women were sisters!! No, not long lost sisters. Rather sisters both on the run for killing people when they were teens. Now for some reason they acted like they NEVER, EVER, EVER MET BEFORE IN THEIR LIVES!! What the FUDGE??!! Even as a porno this would make you say, "HUH!" There are other odd moments like the ending (which was totally rushed). YOU CALL THAT A POLICE STATION!! The serial chick, which also appears in Zorrita (where she looks somewhat hot), looks like a MAN who had a sex change in this one. The other woman is hot atleast. Oh and about that back cover. When I finally read it, it actually GAVE AWAY THE ENDING!! How odd?! The actual "shocking" ending these types of movies claim to have. Wonder why I didn't read it before. No wonder that pool picture was there. After I returned the movie someone told me I should have just rented porn. How true.
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