Review of Doom

Doom (1993 Video Game)
The Legend
16 August 2003
Doom is the legend, the game that started the computer gaming genre. The game that made a generation. Doom single-handedly made the computer the most powerful gaming system on the planet. Doom not only set the standards for graphics and fps, it set the standards for Computer Games everywhere.

Although the game is old and cheesy now, upon its original arrival it was horrifying and well built. Doom 3 will be the next game to define a generation... of what... I don't know.

**Edit. I wrote this in 2003 as a young man that did not have much understanding. Now, looking back I realize that this game is nothing cool to be enjoyed. It is a wicked game full of evil, gory violence, and satanic content. This game had much to do with inspiring the 'Columbine' shooters and should be condemned. This is a wicked game that influenced many youth to wickedness. I condemn this game now.
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