I've watched a lot of Asian horror film but it makes me boring (quite) well not all by the way.This film really scare me, not all filipino made horror film can do like this."The aura of the film is so amazing looks like in the American place" is set in a modern time."Well Kris gave it all as what she said in her show the buzz."I felt the entire film" this is it at last i found a local horror film that scare me really.
I will recommend this movie to everyone(it is also show in selected states of the USA.
Providing a nice special effects (lets consider it as a local film so don't expect more) both leadstar done their best to suit what the director and the story want to be appear
I will recommend this movie to everyone(it is also show in selected states of the USA.
Providing a nice special effects (lets consider it as a local film so don't expect more) both leadstar done their best to suit what the director and the story want to be appear