Great movie as the Aussies can only do!
18 December 2004
A dark comedy it is but it really touches the heart and it can be quite sad at times. There are many levels that you can watch this movie on and many do say there is a superficialness to it. However, there are core human elements that clearly ring through in this movie. Friendship, compassion, empathy. Toni Colette and Rachel Griffths both make this movie stellar. It is heartbreaking at times to watch Muriel (Collette) wanting to be someone of value. Her feelings are so true to her heart and I am sure many can relate. Griffith's character is portrayed with such humor and honesty. She also has some of the funniest lines I have heard in a movie in a long time.

Please watch this! It does offer meaning and you certainly can't go wrong with the music of ABBA!
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