Drawn Together (2004–2007)
Enjoy South Park and Family Guy?
21 December 2004
This is an totally original script. It is in the vein of south park, because of it offending a lot of groups. It does not tend to the "reality TV" experience that much, what i mean by that is the way you see the program, is not from obscure camera angles, and there is no big brother from the outside speaking to them. the characters are well thought out, and initially true to the original character types they misguidedly portray, e.g. a princess type, with a bit of a dark side. the super hero, with a super libido.

this program is a fresh breeze, i reckon it will be boycotted by minor religious groups, prob just like south park was. They pretty much cover everything in this program,religion, sex, racism. Some people just believe it shouldn't be in a show. You'll think back about an episode and think, hey because of moral values, i shouldn't be laughing at that part, but damn it was pretty funny.
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