As a (former) cinema director, I see thousands of films and after thirty years, I am somewhat jaded. However, just occasionally there comes a film that renews my faith in the cinema as the greatest cultural achievement of our species. Such a film, however small and relatively unambitious, is able to lift one from one's lethargy and walk proud to be, in the words of Andrew Sarris 'a humble artisan in the vineyard of the cinema'.
What is so special about this little gem is the TOTAL commitment to cinematic means to express the story and theme of the film. A simple love story is told almost wordlessly and using fabulous montages to convey complex inter-relationships.
I would not wish to spoil anything for anyone, so just SEE IT if you can.
I will be immensely surprised, and disappointed, if we do not hear (and see) a great deal more from Simon Fitzmaurice.
What is so special about this little gem is the TOTAL commitment to cinematic means to express the story and theme of the film. A simple love story is told almost wordlessly and using fabulous montages to convey complex inter-relationships.
I would not wish to spoil anything for anyone, so just SEE IT if you can.
I will be immensely surprised, and disappointed, if we do not hear (and see) a great deal more from Simon Fitzmaurice.