Notre film merdique
6 July 2003
Definitely the worst film I have seen this year so far. Every cliche in French film - staginess, excessive extra-marital plot, beautiful countryside house (which is magically paid for, despite the character's badly paid jobs) and the excruciatingly unconvincing club scene (you know - 80s decor, bad music, le playboy in his shades.... yuk)

Two exes meet up in the supermarket and invite their new families on holiday. Predictable non-hilarity ensues. Ex1 and ex2 fall in love again, painfully slowly. More friends turn up. There is the macho man, the new model husband changing nappies, the quirky and crazy wife (Romane Bohringer, so incredibly irritating one wants to hit her for the duration of the film), arguments, quaint villagers who love the visiting Parisians, unlikely outings...

Very very boring, slow, and not funny at all.
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