Marco Ferreri never left any stone unturned: here he whips new ways to colonize African countries. Europeans may not plunder African countries like a gang of robbers, anymore, but the development aid given to underdeveloped countries may be understood by them as a recent form of colonialism and patriarchal-ism. Ferreri shows the heavy technological infrastructure needed when food or other aid are shipped, conveyed and stored for those in need. The aggressive knowledge, the power and sudden attack on unknown deserts are the ways European know. They are not asking whether Africans need all that modern stuff they are getting from Europe. And so, when something goes wrong, technology fails and fantasy is too limited to pick up the reality, anything can happen! The film is like a huge journey uphill where everything will change, new rules are applied and "good" has an unexpected meaning. This film really makes one ask how we should help those in need; or should we at all?