Remember that episode of the Simpsons when the the family got cable TV? Marge and Homer were arguing about it, until Homer persuaded his wife by showing her "The Estrogen network", which was a network just for women. As he flicks the channel, it shows a women's talk show called "Afternoon Yak". A woman in the audience stands up and says "Men" and everyone on the show boos loudly. Loose women is the equivalent to this. Take a group of women with about half a talent between them (who'd have thought speaking to camera was so difficult?) and let them try to speak about current affairs. One of the women is only on this program because she's Chris Evans's ex wife. Another used to be on Brookside, then went on Celebrity Big Brother and is now either a singer of TV host. Another was (I think) on Pebble Mill years ago. Funny thing is, I can't remember any of their names. If you make the mistake of turning on your TV when this show is on, do yourself a favour and watch the news on BBC1 instead. You'll learn something new rather than feel your brain turn to mush.