I was really pleased with this film -- sure, it's teen sex-comedy pap, but at least the actors are respectable, the dialogue believable and the scenery terrific. As the genre goes, it's right up there with the rest, and in some ways even better -- i.e., as much as we wanted it to happen, when did Stifler ever really literally get it in the end? Tyler did (and Shawn Roberts looked really, REALLY great in that role)and they never bowed to cheapening the joke by making it into something that a straight guy would never recover from -- they even went so far as to have him like it! Unlike the American comedies, where the macho guys pull pranks to have a laugh at the expense of their friends, the characters here were supportive of each other, and watched out for each other (very noble, very Canadian). And did I mention that Shawn Roberts is really HOT! This movie is worth seeing (shame it didn't do too well at the box office) -- and when was the last time we got a Canadian road movie that clearly was shot in Canada?! Well done MUCH -- I hope you continue with similar films that put a Canadian twist on American (Pie) movie styles, even if they are low-brow. And to those of you who think Canadians shouldn't be making or watching low-brow -- get over it! There's room out there for us to watch all movie types, and whereas sometimes you want a movie that moves you, other times you just wanna see some hotties put into positions the American movie-makers won't touch (thank you "Cougars" scene!).