Review of Eve

Eve (2003–2006)
Eve: an enjoyable half-hour
24 August 2005
I saw this show all the way through for the first time last night and I really enjoyed it. I found myself laughing, well giggling, a lot and it struck me as a somewhat thoughtful yet fun sitcom. I really enjoyed Eve, herself, I think she carries the show very well. She is nicely understated and her character is interesting and likable. The supporting cast and the plot lines are a little sitcom typical but, oh well, it is a sitcom. I especially like J.T, who is, yes, almost too handsome to be real but who is also funny and sweet. I really enjoyed the English guy too, that accent just does it for me. And by the way I guess I don't consider Eve an "ethnic" show just because most of the actors on it are black and I'm white, I mean, we're all "ethnic".
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