I just saw this movie at the Toronto International Film Festival and Margaret Cho was there greeting fans at the entrance. She took questions, she took pictures, she was infinitely sweet and patient and I wanted nothing more than to love this movie; a fag and fag-hag road trip comedy, what could be better? Unfortunately I found the comedy was often of the "Psychics with ESPN" variety or that the timing was just off and I felt a bit disappointed that Maragret and also very funny Bruce did not imbue Bam Bam & Celeste with more character and personality since both in real life are such engaging and fun comedians I know it's a comedy and I wasn't expecting in-depth character development but they often came across a bit flat. I did however LOVE the supporting cast and the cameos alone make it worth watching. Plus Elaine Hendrix as the villainous high school tormentor turned beauty salon bitch was a brilliant casting choice. And Margaret playing her mother is reason enough to give the movie a shot.
It's really colourful, really honest and clearly straight from Maragret's heart--I just wish more of the personality she shows in her stand-up would have translated into the script.
It's really colourful, really honest and clearly straight from Maragret's heart--I just wish more of the personality she shows in her stand-up would have translated into the script.