Review of The Visitor

The Visitor (2002)
My God...
1 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw this movie...I thought to myself that the reason that the camera was so crappy was the fact that it was made in the early 80s. Then I saw it was made in 2002 and I was shocked.

Then I was scared I accidentally rented a cheap porno because the plot sucked. Not only did the plot suck. The storyline made absolutely no sense.

For example, after the boyfriend is an idiot and flips the jeep...His dying girlfriend becomes extremely horny. No one was upset that the jeep was destroyed(but afterwards you see the jeep perfectly fine just upside down, no damage). But anyways, where in most movies everyone would be upset, they have sex after almost dying. Bravo.

Some UFO. A flying Jellyfish.

For Gods sake...

This movie makes Steven Segal movies look professional.
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