7 mujeres, un homosexual y Carlos is a misleading title, one that would indicate the possibility of a racy sexploitation movie about seven women and a homosexual involved with a guy named Carlos. This rather bland little film written and directed by Rene Bueno is anything but that. Though well photographed and cast the film never rises much above a TV novella, and for those who love the daytime soaps, then this is sure to please.
Carlos (Mauricio Ochmann) narrates the story and informs us that he has had only one love since childhood - Camila (Adriana Fonseca), a girl whose family has high hopes for their daughter. When Camila and Carlos discover Camila is pregnant at 18 the couple decide to marry, much to the disappointment of Camila's father. But marry they do, and the fun-loving relationship becomes married life with all its consequences: Camila begins revamping Carlos' way of dressing and acting, Carlos quits school to get a job with an ad agency instead of working for Camila's father at a more lucrative position.
At Carlos' office it is de rigueur for married men to have mistresses, as is so embarrassingly pointed out when Carlos is tricked into opening the door of his boss (Luis Felipe Tovar) en flagrante with his secretary (Veronica Segura). Also working in the office as 'office decor' is a vampy buxom girl (Ninel Conde) who informs Carlos that he needs to have an affair with her...in order to succeed in the man's world. The slogan "Every man gets 7 women and 1 homosexual" is repeatedly used by the office staff, making the real world one that not only condones but glorifies infidelity.
How this temptation is dealt with by Carlos and influences his marriage is the gist of this film. Pretty squeaky-clean. Though there are no deep moments to salvage a superficial script the movie survives on the merits of some of the cast members. It is a bit of saccharine fluff, but an OK film for a summer evening. In Spanish with English subtitles. Grady Harp
Carlos (Mauricio Ochmann) narrates the story and informs us that he has had only one love since childhood - Camila (Adriana Fonseca), a girl whose family has high hopes for their daughter. When Camila and Carlos discover Camila is pregnant at 18 the couple decide to marry, much to the disappointment of Camila's father. But marry they do, and the fun-loving relationship becomes married life with all its consequences: Camila begins revamping Carlos' way of dressing and acting, Carlos quits school to get a job with an ad agency instead of working for Camila's father at a more lucrative position.
At Carlos' office it is de rigueur for married men to have mistresses, as is so embarrassingly pointed out when Carlos is tricked into opening the door of his boss (Luis Felipe Tovar) en flagrante with his secretary (Veronica Segura). Also working in the office as 'office decor' is a vampy buxom girl (Ninel Conde) who informs Carlos that he needs to have an affair with her...in order to succeed in the man's world. The slogan "Every man gets 7 women and 1 homosexual" is repeatedly used by the office staff, making the real world one that not only condones but glorifies infidelity.
How this temptation is dealt with by Carlos and influences his marriage is the gist of this film. Pretty squeaky-clean. Though there are no deep moments to salvage a superficial script the movie survives on the merits of some of the cast members. It is a bit of saccharine fluff, but an OK film for a summer evening. In Spanish with English subtitles. Grady Harp