First and perhaps foremost, I would like to remark that this goody-goody sequel really took away from the original ADGTH movie, with all its dark bittersweet sentimentality, its beautiful insights of the Afterlife,and its heavy undertone of the criminal underworld.Also, why must they characterize the cat as a demon? For certain children that come to mind that believe cats are evil, no-good animals out to serve witches and devils, this does not help. To cast the cat as an average villain is one thing. But to cast it as the Devil himself?! I mean, if the plot were turned around, would they cast the dog as the Devil? That point aside, I didn't care for Charlie Sheen as Charlie B. Barkin and Itchie's one liner role really didn't cut up. Annabelle lacks any spunk, as she had in the original. There are certain scenes and songs that touched me. Such as "I Will Always Be With You". And the end scene was sweet. I did approve of the Guardian Angel theme, while I didn't agree that Earth would be better than Heaven. 3 out 10!