Great fun for horror fans.
31 December 2005
This was a great collection of shorts. Some very scary and some just plain weird. All films are well done and set a very chilling atmosphere. Some seem like they could be part of a good horror movie and others are just two minuets of insanity. If your a fan of Fangoria and it's movies this will not disappoint. The host is a very voluptuous vixen who you find frequenting the local S&M joints or in some other Fangoria products. Eli Roth lends a helping hand to Steve Daniels "The Gibbering Horror of Howard Ghormley". "We all Fall Down" is the highlight of this collection. It's very Japaneses in its approach and could be a movie on it's own but for 10min that this one last is very scary. All in all it was a good rental and I recommend this to anyone that likes weird, shocking and scary. Horror in a nutshell.
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