Now I won't spoil anything for anyone, only that "FMA - Conqueror of Shambala" is worth looking into. Thankfully the characters are pretty much the same. Anyway, it starts off with Ed and Al visiting this one scientist who has discovered Uranium (kinda sub-plot) and he ends up on the other side of the gate. The rest of the story picks up were the series left off; and takes place both our world and Ed's world. The overall plot was fairly good and and the director and writers did good job paying respect for the characters and the series. And the animation out does the actual show, there were some instances were they used CG (and looked bad) but that doesn't ruin the viewing qualities at all. I liked it, but don't take my word for it. Try it for yourself and be your own judge. I like said, it's worth taking a peek.^_^