Very moving..
7 November 2005
If you are tired of Hollywoods sub-standard claptrap remakes, even more tired of the TV-teen movie of the weak, and even tireder yet of the pg rated watered down remakes of r rated classics.. then this is the movie for you.. skulls are crushed, heads split open, and blood sprays like geysers.. much more killing and maiming.. enough to make you misty eyed for Hollywoods golden years.. when they weren't to PC to make Deathwish, Vigilante, and Exterminator movies... Ahh the good old days.. enjoy the mayhem!! Ah the love story... he loves Killing CHIN-LEE... the main bad guys are gutted and hung on pikes, the flunkies are devoured by lions and hungry bears.. the extreme content of the uncensored version makes it definitely worth the trouble to seek it out..
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