Can't tell anything worth any compliment in such an industrial product of HongKong Banal character, stereotyped script and humor. You can't see any performance in this movie. I was cheated by the rating at IMDb, otherwise I would have never watched this kind of "fast food" movie. The only thing I recognized is that this is another HongKong entertaining picture which was already old-fashioned by that time. Swordsmen film can be extremely touching or thought-provoking, but not in this way, adding some romantic plots as spice in a bowl of plain rice. However, it has a happy ending. The head of thieves decided to change their living all of a sudden. I just can't accept it especially the decision was made rightly after the lose of fight, and before which, they robbed a pretty girl. What a drama!
Wing Chun
Can't tell anything worth any compliment in such an industrial product of HongKong
6 December 2005