The Birth of Mafia
4 May 2006
This film, is so slick, so criminally intelligent. It's the first time I've seen Roman soldiers portrayed as men, with all the fear & conflicted, nuanced, detailed emotions of men who are about to over throw the government. It brings to light the birth of Mafia. How a generation of Field Officers whom are loyal to each other and not the glory of Rome swear an allegiance that will make them either Enemies of the State or the most powerful men the world has ever seen. The depth and emotional range of these characters is nothing shy of superb and instead of men touting the glories of war and the virtues of honor, they are a vicious lot of criminals that you root for every step of the way, men whom you would not want to cross, but definitely would want on your side in the worst of battles, these are men that I believed could forge an Empire, the old way, the ways of Mafia. THIS FILM IS A FRANCHISE WAITING TO HAPPEN
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