Adventure romance that's every bit as fun as the original
6 May 2006
When I saw the low rating this movie received, I was flabbergasted and knew I had to comment. What on earth does it take to entertain people these days? The Australian outback's Mick Dundee is surely one of the cinematic world's most charismatic characters and amusing adventurers. Here he's back in a sequel that's every bit as fun as the original tale.

The previous movie begins in Australia and then moves to New York. By contrast, as this film opens, Mick is settled in New York with his beautiful journalistic girlfriend, Sue Charlton. However, Sue's ex husband is murdered in Colombia after taking pictures of a drug cartel's dealings. He has sent these photos to Sue, resulting in her being kidnapped by Rico and the other drug hoodlums. Mick must come to her rescue and the pair then head for safety to HIS terrain Down Under, naturally pursued by the gangsters.

As in the original, there's plenty of fun in the sequel. Mick's assault on the drug kingpin Rico's house, assisted by a likable but very amateur young gang, makes for some pretty entertaining scenes. Once Down Under, it's non stop pranks cooked up by Mick as he & his 'sheila' traipse around his own bush 'estate', with the urban villains hot on their trail (and often vice versa!). Suffice it to say, some of Mick's crazy antics almost make you feel sorry for the bad guys!

Sue Charlton (played by actress Linda Kozlowzki) always looks lovely and perfectly groomed, whatever the bush conditions! Once again, the chemistry between her and Mick sizzles throughout the tale. Mick's bumbling but totally endearing sidekick, Wally, is back and there's also a couple of amusing aboriginal characters. As for Mick himself (actor Paul Hogan), he still has the same charm and affability as in the original. This time he's really having the time of his life with the villains. Don't listen to the naysayers, it's a highly entertaining yarn. The next sequel, Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles, is definitely watchable...I can never resist Mick...though not quite up to the same standard.
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