Not what I expected, and I ended up liking it
4 June 2006
On this lazy Sunday afternoon when I should be cleaning my house, I ended up turning on FOX t.v. and this movie was already in progress. Since that's one of the few channels that comes in on my antenna, I just left the t.v. on for company as I made something to eat.

Of course, I recognize the fact that I was missing something by turning on in the middle, and I didn't know what was really going on in the movie for a while. I remember standing in the kitchen hearing the '90s soundtrack running and thinking of how awful '90s movies were in many cases because of that. I returned to the living room to eat and casually watch the movie and thought to myself, "Why on earth did some idiot programming director decide that THIS would be the movie they'd show this afternoon?!" Oh, then I watched further and found out that Phil was dying. And I'm a sucker for the make-you-wanna-cry movies. I'm no sissy; and I've put it together, and realized that movies like this that make you confront someone's impending death help me little by little to find peace about my own mother's death in 2001.

I was so touched by the way this movie dealt with death and friendship, that I went from thinking it was horrible and dumb to thinking it was thoughtful, evocative, sentimental, heartfelt and touching (if not totally realistic). And another thing, I went from finding the dialog utterly '90s-moronic and goofy, to finding it appropriate and well-done. (This was after the middle part of the movie in which it is treated as just another buddies-on-a-trip goofoff.) Other movies may deal with death, and may do it better on occasion, but none of them have the incredibly sympathetic Jason Bateman as the dying person. His character and his portrayal are 90% of what I ended up enjoying about Breaking the Rules.
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