Love between two men? What the heck! They're two human beings
5 June 2006
Although some time has elapsed between my seeing this movie and today, I've decided to add a little comment just to show the producers, director,actors and writer, how marvelous it is to acknowledge that a certain change is taking place in this old world of ours.I'm a 69 year old grandpa who has always taken a stand against any sort of discrimination. In this case and naturally not by accident, it's about homosexuality.People love nature but they seldom respect human nature. Love is for everyone and not only for those that are socially considered "politically correct". Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal have shown the world that stereotypes have nothing to do with honesty, affection,tenderness and true sorrow. Beautiful, unforgettable performances which have enriched all the viewers' craving to be loved, accepted and regarded as first class citizens. Congratulations.
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